这个库的使用方法和原生的Gson的使用方式基本一样,但是因为使用了APT(Annotation Processing Tool)而使解析效率得到了提高
1 导入库
这个库是开源的: 建议直接拷贝:gsonaptannotation和gsonaptcomplier两个module进入自己工程。
接着:dependencies {...
compile project(':gsonaptannotation')apt project(':gsonaptcomplier')
}2 添加@Jsonbean到自己希望解析的相关类上
@JsonBeanpublic class LittleBean { String littleBeanName; public String getLittleBeanName() { return littleBeanName; } public void setLittleBeanName(String littleBeanName) { this.littleBeanName = littleBeanName; } public LittleBean() { } public LittleBean(String littleBeanName) { this.littleBeanName = littleBeanName; }}
3 编译工程
4 使用GsonAPT代替new Gson()
TestBean testBean = new TestBean();String str = GsonAPT.toJson(testBean);testBean = GsonAPT.fromJson(str,TestBean.class);Mapmap = new HashMap<>();map.put(9, new OtherBean(""));map.put(1, new OtherBean(null));String mapStr = GsonAPT.toJson(map);map = GsonAPT.fromJson(mapStr,new TypeToken
How fast
how much time to parse the small bean:
times | Gson toJson | GsonAPT toJson | Gson fromJson | GsonAPT fromJson |
10 | 3 | 1 | 10 | 1 |
10000 | 738 | 363 | 883 | 756 |
100000 | 8361 | 4420 | 10616 | 9346 |
how much time to parse the big bean:
times | Gson toJson | GsonAPT toJson | Gson fromJson | GsonAPT fromJson |
1 | 673 | 325 | 811 | 700 |
10 | 7748 | 3740 | 9506 | 8182 |
times | Gson toJson Speed / GsonAPT toJson Speed |
10000(small) | 49% |
100000(small) | 52% |
1(big) | 48% |
10(big) | 48% |
times | Gson fromJson Speed / GsonAPT fromJson Speed |
10000(small) | 86% |
100000(small) | 88% |
1(big) | 86% |
10(big) | 86% |
@JsonBean的相关类的字段需要有get/set方法或者是 public或包访问的